Please note tickets are for 13th-15th Sept 2024
Everyone who is coming needs one of these.
You will need to specify the guests name and a working email address as you checkout (this is so we can add them to the list as an invitee next year, so please don’t use your email address twice).
The name you specify must match the person who actually turns up.
The Tickets will give you access to the site from 5:00pm Friday 13th and we ask all guests to leave the site by 12:00 Mon 24th.
The Rabbit Hole’s usual blend of live music and DJs will be provided for your entertainment during the course of the weekend, and we will of course have a well-stocked bar and great food available to keep everyone well sustained throughout.
Those of you with campers please note we will be using a system of vehicle passes this year for the live in vehicle area for which we are asking an extra £30. If you need one please select the add-on as you purchase your tickets.